Functions of Language

Language, as a means of communication, has become the cornerstone of human interaction and societal growth. It is only fitting, then, to delve deeper into understanding the various functions of language and how they facilitate diverse aspects of communication. In this comprehensive guide, you will first learn the definition and explanation of language functions, before exploring the seven key functions as identified by two renowned linguists: Halliday and Jakobson. As you continue, examples and types of language functions will be discussed, alongside a list of essential language functions and an understanding of their various forms. This guide is designed to provide you with a solid foundation for appreciating the intricate and dynamic nature of language in our everyday lives.

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What is the interpersonal function of language?

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What are Jakobson's six functions of language?

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What is the ideational function of language?

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What is the referential function of language?

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What are the seven main functions of language?

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What are Halliday's three metafunctions of language?

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What is the emotive function of language?

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What is the poetic function of language?

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What is the conative function of language?

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What is the phatic function of language?

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What is the metalingual function of language?

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What is the interpersonal function of language?

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What are Jakobson's six functions of language?

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What is the ideational function of language?

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What is the referential function of language?

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What are the seven main functions of language?

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What are Halliday's three metafunctions of language?

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What is the emotive function of language?

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What is the poetic function of language?

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What is the conative function of language?

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What is the phatic function of language?

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What is the metalingual function of language?